He also has serious values and personality traits shaped by his father, a career Air Force man. No doubt, the guy, at his roots, truly is goofy. We’re here to entertain people and have a good time.” “My canned answer is that, working here, we get to play games for a living. “People will ask me, ‘What, exactly, does a casino general manager do?’ and I have to think about it for a second,” Kintner said. So, when Chandler resident Mike Kintner parades around Harrah’s Ak-Chin Casino south of Maricopa in a costume for every occasion, or glad-hands and back-slaps a guest, or rolls out some wacky promotion in his new job as general manager of the casino and its 500-room resort, or keeps his 800 employees loose with his sense of humor, it’s a manifestation of several meaningful experiences along his life’s journey.